Breaking Down the Mystery of Supplements

“What supplements should I be taking?”

A quick google search will often leave you puzzled, confused, or downright overwhelmed. But before you close your computer and call it quits, I’d like to use my experience as a Certified Functional Supplement Specialist to share some practical tips that will demystify the subject as you think about incorporating supplements into your health rhythm. 

The truth is, supplements are one of the biggest needle-movers I see in my work with clients. They tell me often how their lives have been changed by adding supplements that support their individual health needs. Yes, eating clean is a great start. However, due to soil depletion and overall wear and tear on our bodies, we need the extra targeted support supplements can offer.

Consider these five tips as you dive in!

1) Understand bio-individuality, so you can understand what your individual body needs.

Supplements are not a one-size-fits-all situation. It’s vital to understand what your body truly needs, so you’re supporting it in an effective manner. This is why labs are a valued piece of your health journey. Running your labs allows you to stop guessing and start making educated decisions about the supplements you need (and much more!).

2) Know your source.

Here’s a truth bomb, my friend: Don’t run to Amazon and buy the first item on the search page. Sadly, Amazon accepts counterfeit and expired products. When taking supplements, you should be able to answer questions about their source. Does the company do third-party testing? Are they soy, corn, and dairy free? Do they test for other materials present (like mold)? Are they proprietary? Is it synthetic? This is a big way I can help! I have personal, specific agreements with each provider so that I know and trust the quality of every product in my FullScript Dispensary. Find my entire approved supplement shop here.

3) Consider a great probiotic to take at night, and rotate it every month.

This is a simple option that makes a great first step. Probiotics support a healthy gut, which impacts the immune system, digestive system, and even your overall mood and emotions. (Did you know gut bacteria manufacture about 95 percent of the body's supply of serotonin?)

4) Fish oil is a great supplement for brain and bone health.

Fish oil is one of the most commonly used supplements and another great beginner step. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil provides many benefits to your body. Your brain is made up of about 60% fat, most of that being omega-3’s. Providing your body with the omega-3’s in fish oil is of great benefit to overall brain function and cognition. Fish oil also helps improve bone density as bones begin to lose their essential minerals as we age.

5) Take an absorbable multi-mineral.

Toss the bottle of hard horse pills in the trash. Your body will never be able to break those down. Instead, add supplements to your routine that your body can effectively accept to support you on the cellular level. And for a bonus tip: Don’t take calcium alone. Say it with me now: "Calcium needs its buddies!" To effectively support you, calcium is most effective when taken alongside other supplements such as magnesium, Vitamin D2, and Vitamin K3. 

Supplements aren’t just an extra step in your health story. They’re a vital component! But, they don’t have to overwhelm you. I want to invite you to reach out for a free consultation and we can get started with putting together a specific supplement plan to support your individual health needs. Get started today!

P.S. Even nutritionists need supplements. Below is a picture of the packet I take daily. I make these packets two weeks at a time, and they’re just as easy as can be. Come on in, friend, the water’s just fine!

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