Your Body Is Like a Garden

I like to think about our bodies as a garden. 

In a previous life, I was a landscape designer and garden consultant. Clients would talk about fancy and expensive plants that they wanted in the landscape. But I always emphasized the soil and bed preparation first. That’s your baseline investment. Because no fancy plant will survive in sterile, clay-like soil.

The soil prep included bringing in peat, loam, compost, and natural fertilizers like worm castings. This soil prep guaranteed that the plant would not just survive, but thrive. 

And of course, adequate waterings. If you don’t tend the garden, or carefully work the garden, weeds and bugs can take over.

When someone is sick, Western medicine tends to go with “a pill for the ill.” Or a band-aid approach, by dealing with symptoms but masking root cause. 

But we need to look deeper at their terrain. What allowed weeds and bugs into their garden? Is it :

  • poor nutrition?

  • dysfunctional digestion?

  • trauma?

  • toxin exposures?

  • or perhaps a combination of these factors?

WHAT I LOVE about being a Master Restorative Wellness (RWS) practitioner, is the opportunity to dig deeper through testing. Blood work, saliva, stool, food sensitivities—all take a peek into a person’s “terrain” and give us clues as to the root cause of illness. With this information, we can design a nutritional protocol that is bio-individual and effective. Sometimes we have to remove certain foods for a short period of time. Other times, we implement a protocol to eliminate bugs, pathogens, viruses, etc. 

So you see, our bodies are like a garden. We must tend to our bodies carefully, or “weeds” will take over. There are 3 key tenets:

  • At the very “bed prep” level, we start with nutrient-dense foods.

  • When necessary to upgrade the terrain, we can add appropriate supplementation.

  • Hydration is key (did you know the human body can go without food for 20 or more days, but only about 3 days without water?). I teach my clients the importance of mindfully drinking their water throughout the day, incorporating electrolytes and minerals when appropriate, and NEVER drinking out of plastic bottles.

How is your garden growing? Have you been tending to its needs at a basic level? Or have the weeds taken over? Do you have questions or could you use support to nurture your body with the basics so it can grow and thrive? If so, feel free to connect with me for a free 30-minute 1:1 session where we can get to the root of what’s off in your garden. Click here to schedule some time with me now!